Zev Holdings seeks to build upon the existing foundation of entrepreneur-led small businesses. We intend to maintain a stable workforce and align incentives such that all employees share in the financial and operational success of the company over the long term. In combination with the incentive structure, we operate a leader-leader culture that empowers and encourages decision making and continuous improvement at every level of the business.



Position the company for long-term success by stabilizing the base business

  • Evaluate existing infrastructure and implement fixes as needed (e.g. banking, HR, audit/financial, compliance, safety, etc.)

  • Connect with employee, vendor and customer bases to solidify existing relationships and maintain continuity of business

  • Institutionalize critical knowledge and processes from existing resources


Transition the company into growth and execution mode

  • Evaluate existing strategy and market position to identify potential improvement opportunities

  • Begin integrating operational culture, KPIs and incentive structures

  • Evaluate long-term needs and opportunities while executing near-term improvements

  • Identify and fill organizational gaps, including establishment of permanent management team


Execute growth strategy as an independent operating company

  • Finalize strategy and initiatives with management team and transition Zev to supervisory board role

  • Execute strategies and business decisions as an independent operating company

  • Instill culture consistent with our operational philosophy and guiding principles

  • Pursue attractive growth investments as possible (e.g. bolt-on acquisitions, capital improvements, etc.)

Operating Philosophy

Independent Operations

  • Fortify the existing base business by institutionalizing the established strengths and key drivers that have led to historic success

  • Provide the strategic and financial resources necessary to achieve goals, while giving employees and management the space to operate the business most effectively

Leader-Leader Culture

  • Empower employees at all levels to make meaningful decisions, effect change and control how they work

  • Flatten the organizational structure and promote accountability across all ranks

  • Reward merit with recognition, advancement and compensation

Incentive Structure

  • Create meaningful incentive structures for stakeholders at every level to elicit behavior that is mutually supporting of near and long-term business objectives

  • Ensure that beneficiaries have direct control of factors that drive incentives

KPI Process

  • Pinpoint the key drivers of success and implement an effective measurement system of those drivers

  • Initiate a regular, transparent and collaborative KPI review process with those who have actual control over outcomes

Cross-Functional Communication

  • Communicate objectives, opportunities and challenges across functions with frequency and clarity

  • Host regular all-hands forums for transparent discussion of business performance, strategy and problem solving

Indefinite Investment Horizon

  • Make necessary investments in changes that improve the business over the long term instead of focusing on near-term results

  • Reinvest earnings if there are attractive opportunities to grow the business organically and through acquisition